Activate where you are
The world feels overwhelming right now…you know the reasons why. The world is in crisis. No one is immune. And if it hasn’t touched you personally yet, well, just wait. But whatever you do, please don’t wait to activate right where you are, right how you can, right now.
Like how?
Like this story: More than a year ago I dialed into Zoom book club that a friend of mine co-hosts with some old friends of his…like friends from college, decades later. He had chosen Road Map for Revolutionaries: Resistance, Activism, and Advocacy for All for his club, and I was happy to come talk to everyone about it. I’m sure it was a lovely Zoom, but I didn’t expect the email I got more than a year later from one of the attendees:
“About a year ago, you attended the book club […] where we discussed your book Roadmap for Revolutionaries. I just wanted to write a belated thank you and share how it helped me advocate for trainees in my fellowship program. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, I remember the first step you told us to take— Just start talking to other people and see if they feel the same way. After talking with fellows in my training program and other program directors, I wrote and circulated a letter to other program directors advocating [to our professional society] for a change in conference venue and a commitment to host our annual meeting only in states where abortion is legal. I tweeted it out and sent the letter (signed by 50 program directors across the country… there are about 200 programs) to the president of our professional society, and waited. Apparently, it’s generated a lot of “conversation” at our professional society and there appears to be some mobilizing on their part to address this concern.”
At first glance, it might not have been clear what this (male) doctor whose specialty has nothing to do with gynecology should or could do in response to Roe v. Wade being overturned. Of course, I would tell him (and you) to march, and to vote, and to write his Congresspeople, and to donate money to abortion funds, and, and, and.
But only he could look right at that which was within his own purview and connect the dots to how he could uniquely activate and advocate for what he believes.
I truly believe that each of us connecting our own dots, taking our own actions, and speaking our own truths into the world will make a difference. Will make the difference. I believe it’s become a life and death imperative that we do so.
I’d love to hear one small act you’ve committed to stand up for what you believe…in the comments!
Last month-ish (!)
It has been a whirlwind month since I joined The Cru on June 1. Without time for much else. The Cru did release this very satisfying statement about how it is supporting its employees and its members in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned a month ago. The post is a statement and it’s also a resource. May of these resources I’ve shared here before, but there are some new ones too, so please check it out.
Otherwise, I’m trying to figure out the cadence and my capacity for both this newsletter and my podcast. So far I have not mastered a new schedule. Thanks for bearing with me (did you miss me?)
Luckily the Kinder Beauty Blog published what is likely my last regular column for them, all about vegan options to treat menopausal symptoms. Spoiler: There are more than I thought there were, and I regret waiting until now to research them.
And, for a change of pace, here’s Senator Gillibrand (who I love) letting loose on recent GOP moves to delay voting on a measure to provide much-needed healthcare to veterans. It turns out I like my politicians curse-y (like I like myself). Enjoy:
As my friend and BlogHer OG Tricia says, #palabra
Coming this month(?)-ish
September is already shaping up to be a very jam-packed month with trips to Monterey, New York, and Santa Fe lined up within a single 15 day period. Sounds like pre-COVID travel, but rest assured I will be 100% masked and stay conservative. I don’t care how much the mainstream media (not just Murdoch-owned media) is trying to convince me that either a) I’ve already had COVID and not known it or b) it’s just inevitable I’m going to get COVID, so why still protect myself…I still haven’t gotten it (having tested repeatedly), and I still don’t want it. Anyway, September looks like a mess, so I’m thinking about how I can make August a kind of chillaxed Summer-Friday kind of month, even though it’s only month 3 after joining an early-stage start-up and taking on a whole mess of big goals. If you ahve any tips, share them!
As always, I’d love if you left a comment and let me know your thoughts on any or all of the above. This is basically my blog now! As always I appreciate a share of this newsletter or my podcast. And check out my LinkedIn Learning Course, Telling Stories That Stick, a 57-minute course on crafting your stories for different audiences (media, investors, prospects, hiring managers) and making sure those stories stick…and convey exactly what you hope to convey.